In article ,
"Michael" wrote:
It's been a while since I've posted here :-) I got a chance to read some
of the posts from other people that picked up a KA-1102. All of the
KA-1102's that I know about including mine have a problem with the volume
control. When you turn the radio on, the volume always comes on at the full
setting. You can get around this by pressing the power button quickly twice
to activate the radio, but it's still an extreme annoyance. It also has a
quirk with the ssb function. Even if you shut the ssb function off before
you power the radio down, the ssb function will still be active when you
turn the radio on. I think both of these quirks are problems with the
radio's firmware. If it wasn't for these problems, this radio would be a
winner for sure. Because of those quirks, I actually prefer the less
expensive and less complex KA-1101.
I just got mine 3 days ago. It has neither of these problems. In
fact, I think this is a great little radio. It's small, light,
well-made and inexpensive. It picks up nearly everything my Drake R8
with a 40 foot longwire antenna receives. It picks up everything my
Grundig Satellit 650 and Radio Shack DX-440 pick up.
On vacation a couple of weeks ago (to the mountains), I took the DX-440
with me. With 6 "D" batteries it weighs 5 pounds. I guarantee you I
won't be taking it on my next vacation - I'll be taking the 1102. Thru
headphones the two are pretty much identical in performance.
I use headphones so as not to disturb wife and kids. If I was alone I
would just take the Grundig and crank it up!