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Old March 27th 04, 05:01 AM
John Plimmer
Posts: n/a

I have a Sangean 818 & 803A and they are an equal match to the Sony 7600G
Seems to me you have blown the front end FET's on your Sangeans
That happens when users put too much wire on the antenna's
John Plimmer, Montagu, Western Cape Province, South Africa
South 33 d 47 m 540 s, East 20 d 07 m 541 s.
RX Drake R8B, SW8
BW XCR 30, Braun T1000, Sangean 818 & 803A.
Hallicrafters SX-100, Eddystone 940
GE circa 50's radiogram
Antenna's RF Systems DX 1 Pro, Datong AD-270
Kiwa MW Loop

"Bunia3" wrote in message
i have several Sangean sw portables---including the radio shack dx-380.

they all show poor sensitivity on all bands--my grundig YB 400/SONY 7600G

them all away by a BIG margin!!.

can these sangeans be modified to increase sensitivity?
