Well, I'm suspending my skepticism for now. The seller seems to have a good
rep and I don't have any reason to distrust him. He seems adamant that the
radio was working fine when he checked it out. I have returned it to him at
his request and I expect he will make good on the deal. I did check with
the repair tech at Universal Radio, the only "authorized" repairman in the
US for JRC radios, and he said an encoder replacement would run approx $150.
I hope the problem is something simpler. I did look under the hood for
loose wires & plugs, I reseated the plug-in circuit boards, no joy. I didn't
go so far as to disassemble the encoder since I'm not really qualified for
that. There may be something in there that got knocked loose or something.
Aside from the tuning dial problem, what a great radio! It was pulling in
all kinds of stuff. The bands were loaded. Hams and mil coms on SSB were
loud and clear and the international broadcasters sounded great, and that
was just with the stock filters and built-in speaker. It's such a solid
rig, easy to operate, attractive display. I'm hoping for a quick fix!
From: starman
Organization: Newsfeeds.com http://www.newsfeeds.com 100,000+ UNCENSORED
Newsgroups: rec.radio.shortwave
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 23:02:12 -0500
Subject: Help: NRD-525 Main tuning
I don't want to be too skeptical, but it sounds a little fishy to me. If
it was well packed and arrived with no obvious damage, I doubt the
tuning encoder would have gone bad in shipping, providing that's really
the problem. I suppose the seller could have overlooked the tuning knob
problem if he's not familiar with this kind of radio. If you can work on
it yourself, find out what an encoder costs and ask the seller for a
significant reduction in the price to allow for repairing it. Find out
what the part(s) cost first. Otherwise I hope you get your money back.
Greg wrote:
Yes, I pressed the Freq button, and the lock was off. The up/down buttons
work, and direct entry works. The rig is pulling in all kinds of stuff
tonight on a modest random length wire antenna. But that tuning knob just
won't do a thing. I'm gonna send it back to the seller and see if he can
figure it out. Aside from that, what a nice radio!
From: BDK
Organization: DICKHEADS, INC
Newsgroups: rec.radio.shortwave
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 20:04:45 -0500
Subject: Help: NRD-525 Main tuning
In article ,
I just received a used NRD-525 from a dealer on ebay. All functions work
except the main tuning knob - it doesn't change the freq at all. The
up/down buttons work and the direct entry works. (The lock is not on.) I
tried reseating the boards but nothing seems to help. Am I overlooking
something simple? The unit supposedly worked 100% okay when shipped, so
possibly something came loose in shipping.
I know this may sound stupid, but did you press the FREQ button???
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