UCT: 0800

Antenna: Sloper
Freq:6.350MHz USB
*I listen to AFRTS quite often. but apparently missed a good program. If
you're a sports fans they have a show called 'Sports Overnight America' with
Patrick Morrow. Talk about Midnight Madness (hoops tourney) and
call-ins.....really good show. It ended at exactly 0800UCT, now is the
regular news. I like sports shows so I'll make a mental and physical note of
it, I'd imagine the sports show started at 0730UCT.
GREAT signal as always, I have my RF gain all the way down as far as it goes
and have the headphones on.
If anyone is up, how's the signal at your QTH?
~*~*Monitoring The AirWaves~*~
*****GO BEARCATS*****
Hammarlund HQ129X /Heathkit Q Multiplier
Hammarlund HQ140X
Multiple GE P-780's(GREAT BCB Radios)
RCA Victor *Strato- World*
RCA Victor RJC77W-K(Walnut Grain)
1942 Zenith Wane Magnet 6G 601M
Cathedral/ Ross#2311/RhapsodyMultiBand
OMGS Transistor Eight/Realistic 12-1451
Henry Kloss Model One/Bell+Howell