"Sanjaya" wrote in message

"Michael" wrote...
Has anyone heard anything about the Tecsun PL-550 yet ??? They are
them on ebay now. From what I can see on the ebay auctions, it looks
radio has a built in antenna tuner. Radiointel has pics of it also, but
performance info. I'd love to know more about it.
I have one.
At the risk of incurring the wrath of others in this forum
I'll say "I love it"
It does have an antenna trimmer, and an switchable
IF filter to eliminate imaging. It also has a 3 setting gain
I hooked up a 50 foot wire thanks to the help of RHF
and others in this newsgroup and it rocks.
No SSB is the only drawback.
All lettering in Chinese. Liypn has done an English manual
and English lettering diagram.
Ulis Flemming (of radiointel.com) did a nice English lettering diagram as
Join the yahoo group, Ulis put the diagram in the files folder
I just ordered one from Liypn via ebay. I know I should probably wait until
an English labeled version is available, but I want to have one ASAP.
Getting a new radio to evaluate is so much fun :-) As with most of the
portables I buy, I keep them for a few months and then unload them. The
only portable I had that I regret selling was the Sony 7600g. After
checking out a bunch of other portables I realize now just how good it was.
When I get the PL-550, I want to see how it compares to a Sony7600g .
In the case of the PL-550, it doesn't have SSB, so I'll have to compare for
sensitivity, sound quality and features. I'm willing to bet that it's going
to be a good portable, but it won't be in the same league with the 7600g.
Especially for selectivity. I used to use a 100 ft long wire on my
Sony7600g and it still never overloaded. I have to admit though, I really
want to check out that antenna tuner on the PL-550.