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Old March 29th 04, 07:36 AM
Peter Maus
Posts: n/a

Dave wrote:

Can anyone tell me if this puppy is likely to be solid state, or more likely
to be a tube model? Still new at this business.


Solid state. It's pretty basic configuration. Single conversion,
prone to drift. Sensitivity is good, depending on antenna, and with
a small mod, can be made to sound pretty nice. IF's are a little
wide for crowded bands. Performance is not unlike solid state T/O's.

Bandspread is calibrated for ham bands

This rig handles almost like some of the Hallicrafter's with
slide rule dial, except on most examples, more drift. Which can be
limited with temp compensated caps in the tuned circuits. There is
some backlash in the tuning mechanism. Not a lot. Good feel,
flywheeled tuning.

It's a decent starter rig, but for the same bux, you can usually
pick up much more radio in a recent portable.

You don't need to pay more than $75 for a very nice example.

And anything you pick up will likely need to have electrolytic
caps replaced.

It's fun radio to listen to a ball game on. If you like ball