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Old August 5th 04, 11:42 AM
Reg Edwards
Posts: n/a
Default Buried Radials - a new look!

NOW AVAILABLE ** New Program "RADIALS2.exe"

This program takes a fresh, revolutionary look at the design and performance
of a set of shallow-buried ground radials. Gone at last are the days when
118.5 was a sacred number.

A radial wire is considered as a lossy transmission line, there being no
point in having it any longer than that at which its input impedance Zin has
converged on its characteristic impedance Zo. The current flowing in the
line at that distance from the input end is clearly small enough not to
warrant extending the radial any further. With a crude knowledge of the
resistivity and permittivity of the soil the greatest practical length of
radial wires can be calculated. The number of radials can then be estimated
on the logical grounds of economics versus antenna + transmitter radiating

Download program RADIALS2, 53 kilobytes, in a few seconds from website below
and run immediately.
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Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to
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