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Old August 19th 03, 03:53 AM
Posts: n/a

Michael Efseaff wrote:

I am proposing putting up a flat top 75 meter dipole at a height of 48'.
I would like to use the antenna primarily on both the 75 and 40 meter bands
but not always. The antenna will have to be located almost 300 feet from
the shack so I intend to use home brew 500 ohm line made with #12 solid
copper conductors. The SWR on such a line will be quite high on both 75 and
40 and be all over the map on other bands. How about 160?

Nope, the SWR will not be "quite high" on 75 and 40 or anything higher in
frequency. It will be "quite high" on 160. I use such an antenna for the
HF bands and the SWR on the 450 ohm ladder-line never goes higher than
15:1 which is acceptable because 450/15 = 30 ohms. Take a look at my
all-HF-band dipole on my web page.
73, Cecil

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