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Old April 3rd 04, 03:40 PM
Posts: n/a


FIRST - Check-Out the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium eGroyp on YAHOO !

Second - Read any and all of these Messages about using Antennas
with the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium.

* Concerning the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium's
Mega Sized WHIP Antenna with Pre-Amplifier for
Shortwave Listening. READ "GS800M's Whip Antenna"

* Grundig Satellit 800-M ? Do I Need an External Antenna ?

* Antenna Options for the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio
{ And the Parts that are required Cost Under $5 }

* Improving the Grundig Satellit 800 M's AM/MW Reception for DXing

* Pair of Active "InDoor" Antennas for AM/MW and SW Reception
Both work well with the Grundig Satellit 800 Millennium Radio.
One for AM/MW and the other for Shortwave.
REMEMBER: "The AM/MW and Shortwave Antenna is 55.5% . . .
of the Radio/Receiver and Antenna/Ground Reception Equation"
A Shortwave Antenna is "Equally" Important for Good Reception [.]
iane ~ RHF
Some Say: On A Clear Day You Can See Forever.
I BELIEVE: On A Clear Night...
You Can Hear Forever and Beyond - The Beyond !
= = = (Moe) wrote in message
= = = . com...

Hi Group,

I'm an "apartment dweller" in the crowded Dallas metroplex, with a
Grundig Satellit 800. Setting up an outside antenna in the patio isn't
an option. U see, the "fine", anally retentive apartment complex
managment folks would crossify me for having the thought crossing my

After reading pretty much all reviews in "Passport to World .." and
reading this group's posts, I've decided to try a (#1) slinky dipole
antenna (found on eBay from 3 or 4 basement-based manufacturers) along
with a (#2) Vectronics AT-100 preselector (to filter and boost).

I'm to extend the slinky antenna inside the apartment along the
longest straight ceiling stretch which is about 25 or 26 feet (The
overall wire length used in making the two slinkies is 150 ft) to come
down via a coaxial and into the AT-100 and from there into the
Satellit 800.

My question is, is this type of antenna directional? I'm primarly
interested in weaker West Europe stations, should I point it to the
east? or should I just stretch it along the longest clear path??

Also, what do you think of my overall thinking/approach, and do you
think this approx $110 spent on the antenna and preselector better be
spent elsewhere? I'm VERY new to this and will benefit from any
constructive advise/comment.

Thanks in advance,

