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Old April 3rd 04, 07:02 PM
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Default HCJB Australia A04

HCJB-Australia A'04 Updated Schedule from 02 Apr'04

0100 0300 15560 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148 English (Daily)
0300 0330 15560 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148
0800 1100 11750 51,56,60,62,63 KNX 50 120 0 120 English (Daily)
1230 1330 15405 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148 English (Daily)
1330 1400 15405 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148 Urdu (Mon-Sat),
Eng (
1400 1415 15405 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148 Hindi (Daily)
1415 1430 15404 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148

Tamil Wed),Chattisgarhi(Thu),

1415 1730 15405 40,41,49,54 KNX 75 307 0 148 English (Daily)

a) Wef 2nd Apr HCJB Australia is doing trial broadcasts in regional
languages(Punjabi,Tamil,Chattisgarhi etc... see complete schd abv)
1415-1430 UTC instead of regular english broadcasts.
b) Since last couple of months HCJB Aus announcing a new mailing address

for Indian listeners(for all lang's including eng) :
HCJB Australia, C/o Radio GMTA, P.O.Box - 4960, New Delhi - 110029.

c) V.O.Turkey's english txn at 1230-1330 to Australia on 15405 causing
QRM to HCA's eng txn. TRT Freq Mgt has agreed to move out of this
once they find out an alternate freq.

(Alokesh Gupta, Hard Core DX)

Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B