April 3rd 04, 07:41 PM
From: N8KDV
The thing is Fat Boy, I'm so far ahead of you in most everything there
is I could care less!
One of these days you'll actually get a handle on the DX'ing hobby. You
come talk to me then OK?
Until then you'll just be someone who is trying to catch up!
(Good luck catching up Fat Boy)
Didn't you just admit that I beat you posting this schedule by 59 seconds?
How many schedules did you post before I recently started doing so?
Good luck keeping up, Rude Boy!
Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A
GE SRll, Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
(remove "nojunk" to reply)