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Old April 4th 04, 07:41 AM
Mark Keith
Posts: n/a

"Stephen M.H. Lawrence" wrote in message
"Mike Terry" wrote :
| - UK
| ... It has general receive, HF, VHF, aviation, UHF, weather, Marine, FM
| radio, shortwave and all the frequencies in between. It even comes with
| DSP. ...

Off topic post.

I think not. "general receive, HF, VHF, aviation, UHF, weather,
Marine, FM
| radio, shortwave and all the frequencies in between. It even comes with
| DSP. ..."

Where is the ham radio in that list?

This is not an amateur radio newsgroup.

So? Who are you? The cop?

Please amend your subject line, or you will not be allowed
to post in rrs.

Like you really have any say. People that think they can control
usenet in any way, including whining to ISP's about peckerwoods they
don't like, make me laugh...They obviously don't know much about

I've notified Melvin Creep, and as spokesman
of, he will be in touch with you.

No one with hairy legs ever touches me and lives to tell about it.
That goes for Mr.Creep.

This will be your only warning.


Thank you for complying.



Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

BTW, my usual machine for general receive, HF, VHF, aviation, UHF,
weather, Marine, FM radio, shortwave and all the frequencies in
between is the IC-706mk2g he referred to in his e-ham link post. I
could go for months and not use it for ham radio. A radio is a radio.
And what a radio it is for it's size.
Why do you bother posting your ham callsign in a shortwave NG, if even
talking about it is a personal problem for you? Inquiring minds wanna
BTW, being as much of the amateur spectrum is shortwave, I think that
gives me the right to talk about it here all day long, if I want. Not
that I really want to though...Ham radio is boring to me...Hell, all
radio is pretty boring to me, to tell you the truth... MK