Hal Turner is gone, but I am still here with my Talk show!
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April 9th 04, 03:08 AM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
Posts: n/a
"LW" wrote:
(Stephen M.H. Lawrence) wrote ...
(LW) wrote:
| I vote for "Savage Filthy Khazar Jew Beasts."
| How does that sound to you?
| I think we may be on to something here Bro. Lawrence. Maybe a
| *matching set* of coffee mugs.
| One with a group portrait of Mr. Davies with profit Stair and the
| young "sisters".
| One with a group portrait of Mr. Davies and The Great Liberty Net.
| One with a group portrait of Mr. Davies and the ten most powerful
| kazahars in the world.
| Maybe issue a new one each month like the Elvis plates. Guranateed to
| hold their value, etc. I bet he could sell millions.
| Buy the whole set OF 48 and get Hal's "Savage Negro Beast" cup as a
| free bonus.
(cracking up)
Hey, what more can I say, Brother El Dubyah?
As usual, you've gone one better!
Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota
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