"Pete KE9OA" writes:
I didn't realize that the 909 was that bad of a radio. The quiet background
you are hearing on the Sony portable is usually a characteristic of a
receiver that doesn't have much gain in the I.F. strip. That isn't a good
thing. Probably a single conversion receiver that has a 455kHz I.F. which
would also cause poor image rejection (2 X 2nd I.F.).
Maybe you can get your money back for the 909.
Thanks for answering Pete. I have studied it some more and I found a
few things. On the SW1 setting of the Sony, the dial is about .5MHz
off. This led me to believe in some cases that the Sony was getting a
station the Sangean was not. I know, stupid but a fair mistake. As
for the noise level, I need to do a more organized study of
station-to-station comparison between the two. I will post results.
I really don't have a baseline for judging these radios since the
Sangean is the only one I have ever really used. I had a YB400PE for
a few days until I exchanged it for the 909. I didn't get a chance to
really exercise the YB400. I *do* like my 909. I just can't really
tell if it is top notch yet. I just ordered a PL-550 from liypn so I
will now have *something* to compare with. I still am interested
in the S800 unless I can run across some other model that is in the
same price range but considered a better receiver.
Any suggestions?
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