F/S Hallicrafters Model S-38
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April 10th 04, 05:56 AM
Mark Keith
Posts: n/a
(Charlie B.) wrote in message . com...
Hi, I have a Hallicrafters S-38E that I receives as a birthday present
from my parents in 1957. Over the years it became more or less
outdated, electronically (single coonversion, analog tuninf,etc.} As a
novelty/nostolgia receiver it is fine and connected to a decent
antenna and ground its capable of picking up the major broadcasters. I
wouldn,t sell mine, only because its full of memories for me. It's
definately not a DX macine but it is a nice visual peice for the
listening post. Over thhe years it's been reliable, just the
occasional tube and a recapping back inn 1979.
Charlie -
A friend of mine used one of those as his first receiver. This was
back when we were in jr.hi school...We built homebrew 6v6 transmitters
to yik yak on 40m cw. I used to go over and operate on his setup
sometimes...The S-38 had an annoying quirk when working CW...If you
hit the table with your knee, the radio suddenly jumped off down the
band, never to return unless you got lucky... Not the most stable
thing I've ever seen...Many times we would start working people, but
hit the table, and never find them again....
He finally upgraded to
a halliscratchers sx-40, which was fairly decent in comparion. I've
got an old National receiver which is very similar to a S-38 in basic
design and coverage.
But I've never plugged it in to see if it works, even though it's been
sitting here for years...I just keep it around as a decorative room
object. :/
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