Wedgew wrote:
my back yard is fenced(102 ft by 35 ft. chain link woith dug in posts
every 7 or 8 ft
could this be used as a counterpoise or as a ground?
Top Band enthusiasts often bond everything imaginable to their ground
system, so why not try it.
What GeNiuS pUt thE CaPlocK KEy
RiGhT NeXt to The Shft KEY?
The same genius who put the function keys along the top of the keyboard,
just out of reach when you're t7ping.
If the Caps Lock key bugs you as much as it bugs me, put some stiff foam
under the key-cap, so it won't go down unless you really mean it.
73 from Ian G3SEK 'In Practice' columnist for RadCom (RSGB)