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Old August 16th 04, 11:14 PM
Roy Lewallen
Posts: n/a

The law of conservation of energy is a touchstone you should always use
as a reality check for whatever theory you have. If your theory leads to
a conclusion that contradicts that law, then either your theory is wrong
or there was an error in some step along the way from the theory to the

Or you belong to the perpetual motion machine crowd.

Roy Lewallen, W7EL


Points raised noticed and placed in my thoughts bag to digest.
With respect to radiation I revolve solidly about accedleratio during a
point in time, accelleration required to negotiat a turn which even at
constant speed create acceleration and lastly arangements that create more
current without the loss of energy of which I see as coupling. Since I am
pretty much self taught because of a loss of memory onslaught it is easy to
build on sand without a true geoligists report which is not available when
one works alone. Thus I am curious as to where exactly I have gone astray by
not having a thorough education in R.F. workings. So if there is cycliic
increases of radiation per unit length then I see the same unit length in
spiral form introduces an addition vector of forces that I translate into
radiation, I have a history of not being able to adequately explaining my
thought so hopefully the above will assist in explaining my thought
processes even tho they may seem totally rediculus to those edu8cated in the
field of whom I ask for correction.
From how I see it I have not viotated any laws with this thinking but now is
the time for me to put things in there proper place.and accepted without