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Old April 14th 04, 01:08 PM
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"starman" wrote in message
Dave wrote:

Wow. Thank you for these concise and clear directions. One thing

though, I
really don't *think* I am overloading the set. Only problem I have is
digging the weak (but desired) signals our of the background noise
surrounding them. In another post I mentioned Voice of Korea's Central

South American broadcast as the point of interest. It is just at the

level as the background noise that doesn't interfere with other

like the BBC on 5975 kHz or Radio Havana, Cuba on 9820 kHz (or Radio

International, originally from Taiwan and rebroadcast through some place

Florida, which frequency I can't remember at the moment.) It is only

weak signals I am having trouble with. If I tune into WWV our of Ft.
Collins CO I can barely make out some out-of-band signals coming in, but
they are so weak as to be vanishing. Does this still sound like
overloading? Because the troublesom signals are also very weak, I am
thinking that a preselector will probably take care of my problems. (I

still tempted to abandon my random wire and install your suggested

just because it sounds so much more sophisticated. Will let you know.)

Thanks for the feedback.


If you don't hear that background noise with the whip antenna, the
problem is almost certainly too much signal (overloading) from the
external antenna. That's why I recommended a passive preselector.

Okay, that I can understand. If I leave the radio switched to DX while
listening to BBC etc, the background noise is still there, but like the
desired signal is at least twice the strength it would be with the whip
alone. Therefore I switch to Local, which blanks out the noise. WithVOK to
Central and South America I can't do that without losing the desired
broadcast as well. Will a preselector still help (at least somewhat?) or is
this just the way it is?

