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Old August 17th 04, 07:44 AM
Heavy Hitter
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Default Is AM Radio Harmful?

Is AM Radio Harmful?
By Stephen Leahy

Story location:,1286,64579,00.html

02:00 AM Aug. 16, 2004 PT

Korean scientists have found that regions near AM radio-broadcasting towers
had 70 percent more leukemia deaths than those without.

The study, to be published in an upcoming issue of the International
Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, also found that cancer
deaths were 29 percent higher near such transmitters.

Two years ago an Italian study found death rates from leukemia increased
dramatically for residents living within two miles of Vatican Radio's
powerful array of transmitters in Rome.

The Koreans looked at the death rates in 10 regions with AM
radio-transmitting towers broadcasting at more than 100 kilowatts and
compared them with control areas without transmitters. The substantially
higher cancer mortality in those who lived within two kilometers of the
towers led researchers to conclude that more investigation was needed.

However, they also said their study did not prove a direct link between
cancer and the transmitters.

"There have been many studies like these, and they aren't very convincing,"
said Mary McBride, an epidemiologist at the British Columbia Cancer Agency.
Many other factors could have contributed to those cancer rates, said
McBride, who has headed a number of similar studies and found no direct

Equally important is that studies in the lab don't show how radio waves can
produce cancers, she said.

Debate continues over the health effects of radio waves from transmitters,
both large and small, and other forms of electromagnetic fields, including
power lines and microwaves.

Sam Milham, a Seattle-based epidemiologist and a pioneer in
electromagnetic-field research, is convinced there are health effects.
"Lots of research papers from around the world show increased cancers near
transmitters, although TV and FM transmitters are more often implicated."

Moreover, many lab studies show low-frequency EMF disrupt living cells,
Milham asserts. Critics like McBride say such results are often difficult
to reproduce at other labs. Milham says that's because of differences in
the Earth's magnetic field and stray EMF.

In an attempt to settle some of this, California's Department of Health
Services reviewed all the current studies of EMF risks from power lines,
wiring and appliances in 2002. It found no conclusive evidence of harm.
However, links to childhood leukemia, adult brain cancer and Lou Gehrig's
disease could not be ruled out.

"I'm convinced that politics and corporate interests are behind denials
(that say) there are no health effects," said Milham.

Meanwhile, the FDA and the World Health Organization are urging more
studies, especially of radio waves from cell phones.