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Old April 15th 04, 05:11 PM
Posts: n/a

Hiya Corbin!
- First, thanks for the review; nice to have a real radio Post in her
occasionally ..

- Any comparisons to Jwin JX M-14 would be appreciated..
What are its dimensions
How is it on frequency drift & Overloading; Mult images

In article , "Corbin Ray"

I took a chance and ordered a new Chinese radio that I found on eBay. It's a
Klonda K-939.

It came yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised to find another good radio
in addition to Degen and Tecsun.

This model is smaller than the 1102 by 1 inch width, 1/2-inch tall, and
about the same thickness. It fits easily in a shirt pocket. Its rounded
corners and solid feel are very nice to hold.

It is an analog radio with a tuning knob but with a digital display.

The radio is AM, FM, and several shortwave bands. And its reception on each
has been just about equal to my 1102. Two quirks about the radio, when you
turn it on, it always comes on FM rather than wherever you last listened.
Odd. Another is that the AM bandwidth is a little wide for my tastes. But I
usually keep all my radios on narrow, and it doesn't have that option. I
realize that wide gives you better sound, so I understand their decision.
Last night, the radio was able to separate three strong adjacent frequencies
(WWL on 870, WCBS on 880, and WLS on 890) so I guess the bandwidth is ok,
but I'm just used to a little more narrow.

Anyway, I urge everyone with $27 ($19.99 + $7 shipping from China) to try
this radio and see what they think.

I like mine. It's now my third favorite Chinese radio, behind the DE1102 and
the BCL2000 (I've got six others).

Here's more info about the radio:

And here's the seller I bought it from: