"and call it free speech"
So... Is Free Speech ONLY for Liberals and the Left ?
Or is 'real' FREE Speech {Freedom to Speak} for Everyone ?
- The Democrats and the 527 BackDoor to Soft Money
Independent Groups outspend Bush in Campaign Advertising
[ Liberal Left Wing Democrat Backed Political Action Committies ] advertising
* These Propaganda Groups aren't independent at all and are
illegally acting as "a shadow party for the Democrats."
* In this fight, the Republicans are joined by nonpartisan
campaign watchdog groups who also call for federal action to
force the independent groups to comply with the stricter new
Campaign Finance Rules that apply to political parties,
candidates and political action committees.
* The Federal Election Commission expects to rule in May on
the claim by the Republican Party and nonpartisan watchdog
groups that independent groups who obviously back or oppose
a candidate must comply with stricter financial rules.
* They are so-called "527s," named for the provision in the
Internal Revenue Service's tax code that allows them to operate.
* Such 527 groups don't have to comply with the donor-disclosure
or contribution-limit requirements that the Federal Election
Commission imposes on political candidates, parties or political
action committees.
* The Center for Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan watchdog group,
says the Democratic-leaning 527 groups have collected huge donations
from a number of unions and wealthy individuals who are barred under
the new law from giving as much money directly to the party.
El Grito - NRA, NRA. NRA !
gba ~ RHF
= = = Telamon wrote in message
= = = ...
So campaign finance reform made it harder for non profit groups to put
their own ads up for broadcast so what's anon profit to do? Buy your own
radio or TV station and call it free speech.
First Air America next it's the NRA. Wonder who is next.