Art is obviously a well educated person having the ability to express
himself in plain English better than most.
Unfortunately the technical content of his writings are pure gibberish,
giving an intelligent reader the impression he is having his leg pulled -
or being trolled. I cannot make any sense out of what he says and his
reasoning. I gave up trying a long time ago.
As he so frequently admits, he is unable to understand what he himself is
talking about.
(Incidentally, Richard, you have Art's characteristics reversed. But the end
result is the same - too often I can't understand what it is you are
waffling about.)
Art, may I suggest that before you write you think in QUANTITATIVE terms
about what you want to say. Put some numbers and physical shape into it.
Draw pictures. Solve your own problems. Go back to Ohm's Law and square 1.
Otherwise you will continue to think in emotional terms without being able
even to visualise, to picture, the subject matter.
Emotions and feelings are not a part of engineering except on pay-day. But
the sheer beauty of deriving equations followed by logical calculation,
especially when it gives the right answers, is something which no human
should be deprived of.
As for Richard, old-man, there's no hope for you. ;o)