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Old August 19th 03, 04:22 PM
Richard Harrison
Posts: n/a

Dr. Slick wrote:
"Therefore, the reflected voltage can never be greater than the input
voltage for a passive network, and the reflection coefficient can never
be greater than 1 for such a case."

Terman, despite Reg`s disdain for experts, seems to agree with Dr.
Slick. Here is Terman`s gist:
1. The reflected wave is identical to the incident wave except it
travels toward the generator.
2. Ereflected / I reflected = -Zo. Just as Eforward / I forward = Zo
3. Line loss causes the reflected wave to decline as it travels toward
the generator.
4. Phase of the reflected wave drops back as distance back from the load
5. Volts at the load are the sum of the incident and reflected wave
volts. Likewise for currents.
6. E/I at the load equals Zload.
7. The vector ratio Ereflected / E incident erquals rho, the reflection
8. In a lossless line, rho is the same everywhere on the line.
9. The effect of a reactive load is merely to displace the SWR pattern
on a transmission line.
There is no opportunity in the stated conditions on a transmission line
for a reflected voltage to exceed the incident voltage or for the
reflection coefficient to exceed one (1).

Best regards, Richard Harrison, KB5WZI