radiok3pi ) writes:
Looks can be deceiving. I believe the current R Shack offering is the
12-903, successor to the 12-603. They may look similar in ways to the
SR3 - but they are different radios. The RS version is totally deaf
above 1600 and just plain hard of hearing below that. Dial accuracy
better though.
I have had the 603, 903 and the GE SR2 and SR3.
I returned the 903 as it was horrible....every sample I tried. Stick
with the SR3 - even with some of its shortcomings it is far superior
to the RS model.
First, I have no idea what's in the Radio Shack radios.
But one of the things they are doing, at least here in Canada, is
playing with brands. Remember those Radio Shack Minimu-7 speakers?
Well, it would have been a slightly later model, because it was
replaced by a later model years ago. But they've been branded as RCA,
I got a pair at a great price when they were cleared out a few years ago,
and the latest flyer has the same speakers under a new name, "Centrios".
There might have been some other brand along the way. When it was under
the RCA brand, it carried the same model number as when it was Radio Shack.
So while what you say is probably likely, I wouldn't completely rule out
that Radio Shack is carrying the real Superradio at this point under a
different brand. After all, GE doesn't really exist anymore except
as a name passed around, just like my RCA CD changer I got a few years back,
so why not make the radio pass under a different name if it sells more?
Shows that the seller has 5 *new* SR-3's at $39.95 on the Buy it Now
Supplies seem to be drying up lately.
Not really drying up.
Radio Shack is now selling
the SR-3 under it's own RS brandname. Available
in any RS store. Forget the model number but you'll
recognize it when you see it on the shelf. Still has that
quirky on/off pushbutton on the top left and the classsic
big slide-rule dial.