Thread: Little Red Book
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Old April 19th 04, 03:51 AM
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Subject: Little Red Book
From: N8KDV
Date: 4/18/2004 3:15 PM Central Daylight Time

I'm wondering how many of you out there still have your copy of
'Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse Tung' that was sent out by Radio
Peking years ago?

Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B

I can go one better than that, back in 1957-58 my father was stationed at
Torrejon A.F.B. in Madrid, Spain. I was a swl and had a Hammarlund AACS
receiver. I had sent a report to Radio Moscow and received a large envelope in
the mail..........actually, the base security had the envelope and had my dad
up in front of the base commander. Dad was the ncoic of the AACS (Airways and
Air Communications Service) and was a teletype and crypto tech. Well, they
wanted to know why his son was in contact with the Russians???

LOL!!!!!!! I got my ass chewed and so did dad. We laughed about years later. I
still have the shiny cover book with lots of propaganda and a buck rogers
looking rocket on the cover. All about the Soviet Unions prowess in technology,

Different times...........

Les Locklear
On The Gulf of Mexico
Ten Tec RX-350D
Various antennas
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