April 19th 04, 04:37 AM
Subject: Little Red Book
From: Dan
Date: 4/18/2004 9:33 PM Central Daylight Time
On 19 Apr 2004 01:51:19 GMT, (Llgpt) wrote:
LOL!!!!!!! I got my ass chewed and so did dad. We laughed about years later.
still have the shiny cover book with lots of propaganda and a buck rogers
looking rocket on the cover. All about the Soviet Unions prowess in
Different times...........
Wow, great story! I imagine the reaction would be pretty much the
same today if you wrote to Iran or North Korea!
Drake R8, Radio Shack DX-440,
Grundig S650, S700, S800, YB400, YB550PE
Degen DE1102, Kaito KA1102
Hallicrafters S-120 (1962)
Zenith black dial 5 tube Tombstone (1937)
E. H. Scott 23 tube Imperial Allwave in Tasman cabinet (1936)
Nah, Ashcroft and his band of wacko's would probably send you to Guantanamo to
await trial!
Les Locklear
On The Gulf of Mexico
Ten Tec RX-350D
Various antennas
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