In article , GO BEARCATS says...
I thought I saw one at Radio Shack a couple of weeks ago.
There are. I don't know the cat#.....but they are there. *YOU* better know
what to look for when you walk in and don't be afraid to start ripping packages
apart either to be sure.
Neither RS parts catalog nor their website catalog show any plug, jack, or
adapters with 3.5mm diameters.
~*~*Monitoring The AirWaves~*~
*****GO BEARCATS*****
Hammarlund HQ129X /Heathkit Q Multiplier
Hammarlund HQ140X
Multiple GE P-780's(GREAT BCB Radios)
RCA Victor *Strato- World*
RCA Victor RJC77W-K(Walnut Grain)
1942 Zenith Wave Magnet 6G 601M
Cathedral/ Ross#2311/Rhapsody-MultiBand
OMGS Transistor Eight/Realistic 12-1451
Henry Kloss Model One/Bell+Howell
Alpha Delta DX Sloper 57ft.
600ft. 12AWG. (non-terminated)
120ft. 12 AWG Sloper
2 Radio Shack Loop Antennas
Radio Shack Amplified Antenna
30X30 DiamondLoop(six section 830pf Cap)
* Diamond Loop mounted to Lazy Susan TurnTable*