- Call up J & R Music world;
- Just across the Bridge from you
they sell shortwave stuff
They MUST have access to
someone who does fast & cheap(ish)
work & can get you back up & running..
( & How's the reception out there in Bay Ridge, anyway?? )
I have a Sony ICF-SW7600GR that's in need of repair.
The only thing that's wrong with it is the external power input jack.
When I plug the AC power adapter in, the radio's display often shows the
"battery low" indicator and I can't get the radio to power up. I can
eventually get it to work by gently jiggling the plug (in the external
power input jack, that is), but the problem seems to be getting worse.
Or, I can run it off the batteries with no problem.
I contacted Universal to inquire about them fixing it for me but they
state that they do not service Sony items and suggested that I contact
Sony for the repair. The problem with having Sony fix it is that I
followed the link provided here a few days ago and discovered that Sony
wants $120.41 (plus any applicable taxes!) to fix a radio that I
purchased new for $169.99!
Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get this radio repaired
more frugally?
BTW, the radio is no longer covered by the warranty, having been
purchased in February of 2002.
Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's
character, give him power.
--Abraham Lincoln
Joe Negron from Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, NY, USA