Antenna for 160 meters, Any Ideas?
Hello all, this is my first time posting to this group. I would like
to try 160 meters this winter and was trying to get some ideas on what
type of antenna I should use. Let me tell you about my lay out first,
My lot is 100ft. wide by 800ft
Deep. Of that I can use about 400 feet of it to hang an antenna. I now
have a 136 ft. OCF windom up about 45 feet, and it works great on
80m-40m-20m-17m-12m and 10m. I only us the tuner on my TS-940SAT to
tune my OCF windom with no problems. I was thinking about putting up a
160 meter dipole. If I would hang a 160 meter dipole up 136 feet or so
of it would run next to the OCF windom that is up now, at least within
50 ft. of it. But I could get the 160 meter dipole up maybe 10 or
more feet above the windom. Would this be ok? Are there any other
antennas that might do the job? I have alot of trees on my land. Any
ideas are welcome. Thanks, Dale