huh1948 wrote:
"N8KDV" wrote in message
huh1948 wrote:
yeah propagation is quite unpredictable at times from what I gather...
6 minutes into the UAE's english program the signal faded out completely
me (about 3:36 UTC)
They went out here at about 0344... nosedived right away.
what would cause a signal to fade so quickly? it nosedived just the same for
me about 8 minutes before it did for you... it's as if the signal was
receeding across the country towards the east quickly... I know the sun can
have quite an effect on SW signals, and since it's about 7:50 AM there now,
could the sun coming up there have suddenly effected the propigation of
their signal from their transmitter causing the signal to weaken suddenly?
radio waves and their behavior has always facinated and frusterated me at
the same time...
thanks for your replies.
Might have been sunrise or it might have been something else!
Hard to say.