Help! Amateur Requesting Antenna Assistance.
To all: I am a amateur SWL and request your expertise with antennas. I
currently own a desktop receiver attached to an indoor active antenna.
While this setup works alright, I would prefer to try my luck with a
traditional longwire antenna. Can anyone answer the following questions?
1. Is there any real difference in reception quality if a string a longwire
through my attic compared to running it from the chimney to a tree?
2. If placed in my attic, do I need to 'slope' it downward through the
3. My current active antenna is a MFJ 1020B. Is it possible to convert
this into a antenna tuner by removing the vertical antenna currently
attached to it and running the longwire antenna lead into the 1020B, then
running a coaxial connection from the 1020B to the back of the receiver?
Thanks for all your help and I would appreciate any product recommendations.