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Old April 26th 04, 06:49 AM
Temporary FL@L&ER
Posts: n/a

Unless I am mistaken, on Sun, 25 Apr 2004 21:19:20 +0100, Noel

On Sun, 25 Apr 2004 22:54:00 +1000, "Peter Tate"

Universal Time Constant also called GMT or Grenwich Mean Time.

The two are not totaly synonymous, AFAIK. However, for practical
purposes, they can be considered to be so.

UTC is the French Spelling for "Universal Coordinated Time" as on WWV
at 5, 10, 15, and 20 Mhz. CHU in Canada, I believe, says it in
French. UTC has evolved from GMT, therefore the "Universal" in its
name. Basically, GMT is 0000Zulu which is 0000 UTC. Subtract 1 hour
for each 15 degrees of longitude westward to get your local time.

MST would be UTC - 7 hours, or: 1300 UTC - 7hours = 0600 MST.

Hope this helps those reading threads and not checking links while
reading them.

Use the usual techniques if you wish to reply via email.

Molon Labe!