Thread: Air America
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Old April 28th 04, 09:53 PM
Stephen M.H. Lawrence
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"Frank Dresser" wrote
| Just give the network to Alex Jones. Or James Lloyd. Or Brother Stair.
| any else who, in a reletive sense, knows what they're doing.
| Frank Dresser


Too bad Arnie Coro isn't available.
I have to concur with you, especially your use
of the term "sub lame." I think you hit the nail
on the head - listening to Air America Radio
was sort of like watching a train crash, only
in slow motion.

I ask myself, again and again, "Is this the best
they can do?"

I guess that's what happens when any organization
attempts to buy a market, rather than building a
program's cumulative listener load.

I think it's further proof that some of these folks
just *don't* have a grasp of market economics.


Steve Lawrence
Burnsville, Minnesota

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