Thread: Butternut HF9V
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Old August 21st 04, 04:59 PM
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Default Butternut HF9V

I have been running a Butternut HF9V. I recently retuned it after adding the
160 meter mod, and obtained the same results I did when I first installed it.
Basically it appears to be a couple of feet short on 10 meters with minimum
SWR at 28.9 MHz and long on 17 meters with SWR not falling below 2.8. I am
considering buying a 72" 3/8" tube to extend it for 10 meters, but I'm stumped
on 17 meters. Has anyone encountered this and found a fix? I have a good
ground system with plenty of 30' radials, and the antenna works very well, but
I would like to get the SWR down.


Phil - N1KI

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