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Old August 22nd 04, 05:03 PM
Yuri Blanarovich
Posts: n/a

If you take issue with something Tom wrote, why not
just deal with him direct?
Tom Donaly KA6RUH

I had my share of dealing with Tom direct and pointing out wrong information
that he was spreading on the waves of Internet. For that I was attacked by him
and called "pathological scientist" rather than engaging in reasoning and
discussions. When I tried to defend the truth and reality on the reflectors, I
would be unsubscribed by Herr Administrator and Tom was given last word,
"proving" he is "right". To those reflectors I never came back and one of them
is TopBand. This is #7 gross misstatement from Tom that I am pointing out. I
mentioned it here for the benefit of those who care. If anyone wants to worship
W8JI and his "pontifical" statements that are sometimes wrong, be my guest.

Tom must be doing something right - he's the only US station I've ever
worked on 160m (with 5 watts QRP & a very modest end-fed wire by the way).

73, Peter VK3YE

...and that proves that everything Tom says is right?

People can be wrong, and usually appreciate if they are corrected or shown
better way. W8JI seems to be "absolutely right" even when he is wrong. He would
first ridicule the one who tries to correct his misconceptions. Then if
argument ensues and he realizes and is convinced that he was wrong, he would
not admit it, but goes quiet for a while and later emerges as a "guru" on the
subject pretending it was all his invention. He is doing some things right, but
he has this attitude that does not reflect well on hams and it is not manly to
attack someone for bringing up correction, and then making it his own
"invention", not giving credit where is due. That is called plagiarism.
So, I brought this up for those who care about reality, and I am taking
advantage for ability to post here, where reflector Gestapo will not silence
me. Tom is hanging around reflectors where he is protected by administrators,
when he encounters knowledgeable opposition to some of his fallacies, he can't
take the heat, will not admit being wrong and goes and thrives behind reflector
Gestapo. I am not looking for fights, I am trying to point out when I see
something posted publicly wrong.

If anyone cares to discuss the subject, or explain how the conductor laid on
the ground can lose its conductivity, bring it on. I can't figure out how this
could happen and I would enjoy being enlightened.

73 Yuri,