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Old May 3rd 04, 12:04 AM
Posts: n/a

DJB wrote:

I'm will setting up my shack soon but the question of grounding has come up.
I'll be driving a 8' copper rod into the ground and running wire to a
grounding bulkhead for the equipment to tie in. The problem is that my shack
will be on the second floor. I know that you would have to keep the ground
run as short as possible. Could I use a use a larger guage wire for the
ground run? If so, what guage should I use? I plan to use originally #10

Thank you,


There isn't' any practical size wire that would provide a good RF ground
to the second floor. However any decent size wire like #10 will give you
an acceptable safety ground. I once considered installing some copper
sheet metal on the side of the house to the second floor for an RF
ground, but even that large a conductor wouldn't have enough surface
area to work well.

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