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Old May 4th 04, 02:54 AM
Brian Hill
Posts: n/a

"Charles Hawtrey" wrote in message
One of the true joys of shortwave listening is stumbling across the
occasional nutter. Anyone want to share their faves? It would be
interesting to know of good ones currently broadcasting, so the rest
of us can share in the fun, but stories about oldies-but-goodies might
be entertaining as well.

Remember, "we aren't laughing at you, we're laughing with you."
Unless you're not laughing...

is guava a donut?

Hey remember that Steve Anderson weirdo who spewed anti gov and white
supremacy stuff and pirated around 3mhz and shot at the cops? He was a real
nut case. I think I recorded that nut.

73 Brian
A lot of radios and 100' of rusty wire!
Brian's Radio Universe