"Cowboy67" wrote:
My brother-in-law just gave me a Hallicrafter S-20R receiver. I am trying
to gather some info regarding it. My question to you is...If this is a
receiver, then why the toggle switch for send and receive? What does this
The S-20R is a receiver. If it were used in conjuction with a transmitter,
the toggle switch would be switched to "send" when transmitting to mute the
If you were using separate antennas for transmitting and receiving, the
routine would be :
- Switch the receiver to "send"
- Activate the transmitter
- At the end of transmission, switch the transmitter to "standby"
- Switch the receiver to "receive"
Some receivers have an input on the rear panel to mute the receiver. An
extra switch on the antenna changeover relay is wired to that input to mute
the receiver during transmissions.
Art, N2AH