Thread: Isotron 6 meter
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Old August 23rd 04, 06:04 AM
Posts: n/a

Has anyone had the Isotron 6 meter antenna? Do they work well?
Thanks Ken

Hmmm...isn't the "claim to fame" of the Isotron the small size? A 6M loop is
going to be small...look at the halos and omnis like the PAR OmniAngle...quite
small footprint. Heck, I use a travelling dipole made from two RatShak 72"
whips in a block of nyloc! Think it would be better to "roll your own" in
this case. Do a search for 6m halos or go to for some good 6M
antenna info. If you prefer not to roll your own, there are some excellent
loops out there...I have several homebrew loops and one of Dale's fine Stressed
Moxons for my 6M solutions.