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Old May 4th 04, 06:16 PM
m II
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Brenda Ann Dyer wrote:

I most certainly was angry about all those things.. but you know what? Two
wrongs have never made a right, and never will. We are not supposed to be
getting revenge, we are not supposed to be getting 'even'. We are supposed
to be taking care of those that personally perpetrated those events in a
legal manner. And yes, there ARE rules to war. No matter what the other side
does, we are, and should be, held to higher standards. If we are not, then
we have no moral superiority to those we are fighting.

I see the paranoids aren't alone. I never thought I'd see the day when
the Bill of Rights needed defending. I can hardly wait for the defenders
of pre-emptive war and torture to claim the Bill of Rights was a commie
plot all along, and NEEDS to be eliminated.
