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Old August 23rd 04, 05:46 PM
H. Adam Stevens, NQ5H
Posts: n/a

You're trying to feed the antenna at a current node.
Change the length of the antenna, not the feed.
Try asymmetric legs.

"Larry Gagnon" wrote in message
I have a 135' long doublet, 45' in the air fed with 450 ohm ladderline. It
tunes fine and works well through an MFJ tuner on all bands up to 21MHz.
Above 21MHz I have a very difficult time tuning the antenna to get any SWR
below 3:1. I cut 6' off the feedline when it was finally dressed into my
shack and that made it worse. I have now reinstalled the extra 6' and that
is better for tuning, but not yet perfect. I guess I'll just have to keep
adding or subtracting small amounts of feedline to get it right?

If so, are we talking inches or what? Any ideas appreciated.

Larry VE7EA

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