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Old August 23rd 04, 09:07 PM
greg z
Posts: n/a

Hmmm Sounds good , Put up a 1wl loop for 80 meters (274ft+/-)?
up 20 to 40 feet,feed it with ladder line or window line (61ft) into a
balanced tuner and rock and roll. Should be able to cover the entire
US on 40 and 80meters with some rather Brutal lobes on 20m.
You be Jammin!!!

I get consistent 9+5, 9+10 reports on 40m out 500miles with this setup on
10watts!!!!!! YMMV

my back yard is fenced(102 ft by 35 ft. chain link woith dug in
posts every 7 or 8 ft
could this be used as a counterpoise or as a ground?
What GeNiuS pUt thE CaPlocK KEy
RiGhT NeXt to The Shft KEY?

Seek not to confound me as I am dim-witted and slow of study.

Wedge KC2MGJ

Greg Z
to thine own sound be true