Are you quite sure you have no way to measure inductance? Even if you
have only an AC voltmeter and a signal generator and some capacitors,
you should be able to measure the inductance. One of the best ways to
"measure" it for your application is to try a capacitor and see what
the resonant frequency actually is; then adjust the capacitor (by a
factor equal to the square of the ratio of resonant and desired
frequencies) and try again, repeating until it's trimmed to the
desired resonance.
Tim Robbins wrote in message . ..
I have a 300 long x 50mm dia. Schumann coil that measures 18.75KOhms.
I have no way to measure inductance. It has an annealed steel core 1M
What capacitor value do I need to tune it to an 8Hz center frequency?
Thank you,