chain link fence
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August 24th 04, 02:09 AM
Roger Halstead
Posts: n/a
On 23 Aug 2004 19:07:34 GMT,
ospam (greg z) wrote:
Hmmm Sounds good , Put up a 1wl loop for 80 meters (274ft+/-)?
up 20 to 40 feet,feed it with ladder line or window line (61ft) into a
balanced tuner and rock and roll. Should be able to cover the entire
US on 40 and 80meters with some rather Brutal lobes on 20m.
You be Jammin!!!
Careful with CL fence. It may work, but older fence may turn out to
be hundreds or thousands of tiny diodes at the points of contact where
the fence is woven..
When we had the repeater here I found a 10" piece of wire laying
against a guy wire created enough noise to drowned out a 50 watt
mobile less than 5 miles away.
I could do the same with a 10" screw driver by just sliding it up and
down the guy. The end of that guy was grounded' too.
OTOH you are rarely listening while transmitting on HF so the noise
probably wouldn't bother on receive (unless your neighbor is trying to
listen to the AM broadcast bandG)
Roger Halstead (K8RI & ARRL life member)
(N833R, S# CD-2 Worlds oldest Debonair)
I get consistent 9+5, 9+10 reports on 40m out 500miles with this setup on
10watts!!!!!! YMMV
my back yard is fenced(102 ft by 35 ft. chain link woith dug in
posts every 7 or 8 ft
could this be used as a counterpoise or as a ground?
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