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Old May 7th 04, 12:05 AM
Jim Hampton
Posts: n/a


Personally, I think K1MAN should be removed. Why? Because of the attitude
"I am always right." and might makes right. It is such attitudes that
brought us Tailgate, the Marine Corps mess (where medals were jammed into
bare flesh, amongst other things) and the current situation where the mighty
(who served, maybe, perhaps, uh .... well, he *did* receive at least one
paycheck - I think) and their well monied supporters have caused us
irreperable damage in the sight of the world with abominable treatment of

Argue all you want; I won't. The world *will* pass judgement. The best
thing is the removal of the current administration of this country and
removal of K1MAN would do the amateur service a good boost in the right -
uh, make that *proper* - direction.

73 from Rochester, NY

"Lloyd" wrote in message

"JJ" wrote in message

The best thing that could happen to Amateur Radio would be for K1MAN to
be taken off the air.




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