UPS Ground from anywhere in California to the East Coast is
normally 7-10 days. UPS has zones that show delivery times.
Yeah, it's crazy, 7:23pm May5th it arrived at UPS and as of 3:07 May 7th it's
STILL in Eureka to Richmond.
Anyone from Cal. know how far that is between the two. I will say this, I won't
do business again with a company in Calif.
Takes to long, I sent it there 'priority' from my little local village Post
Office at 8:15am on a *Saturday* and they got it on Chris 'said'
Tues. "and we got it out in record time." LOL
I won't say anymore on it till it gets here, it's just with todays technology
and all , I should have read the print on their site and stopped it right
there. I hope I am satisfied but I have received emails from three different
people that were negative, maybe they expected too much {?} or maybe the
product wasn't like it was stated on the site (improvement wise.)
I will be able to tell. One day/night worth of listening, I'll know.
~^Monitoring The Spectrum^~
Hammarlund HQ129X /Heathkit Q Multiplier
Hammarlund HQ140X
Multiple GE P-780's(GREAT BCB Radios)
RCA Victor *Strato- World*
RCA Victor RJC77W-K(Walnut Grain)
1942 Zenith Wave Magnet 6G 601M
Cathedral/ Ross#2311/Rhapsody-MultiBand
OMGS Transistor Eight/Realistic 12-1451
Henry Kloss Model One/Bell+Howell
Alpha Delta DX Sloper 57ft.
600ft. 12AWG. (non-terminated)
120ft. 12 AWG Sloper
2 Radio Shack Loop Antennas
Radio Shack Amplified Antenna
30X30 DiamondLoop(six section 830pf Cap)
* Diamond Loop mounted to Lazy Susan TurnTable*