"Dick, AA5VU" wrote
I am planning to put up an inverted-L along side my tower per the
drawing at
I would appreciate some suggestions for 12 and 30 inches stand offs
to support the 12g insulated wire I plan to use. Also the wire needs to
be secured at the top before it bends over. Any suggestions to keep it
from slipping at that point will be appreciated.
I plan to ball part the length at 130 feet and see what happens.
Dick, AA5VU
call at ARRL.net
Hi Dick, hope you get some good ideas for stand-offs - I'm building the same
thing, but using a 90' tall loblolly pine branch, no stand-offs required ;-)
I will use standing rigging and a nylon block (prob 4") to make the turn at
the top (limb) as this minimizes overtensioning due to wind action between
my pine-towers. And, I can always hoist a Balun up later , as below.
I have wondered what the performance difference would be between this
Inverted-L (easy to erect) and the sloper or folded dipole, top-fed with a
4:1 Balun, but not as easy to fly. My 1/4~ will only be 107' so it's an
easy job for the Inv-L...maybe I'll try the alternative if I'm not happy
with it. But it it's not broke.....G
Virginia Beach