= = = N8KDV wrote in message
= = = ...
BBC reporting that the Chechen President was killed
in a explosion at a stadium.
Holland, MI
Drake R7, R8 and R8B
Sad to Read and Hear About another Terrorist Attack by the Islam-O-Fascists.
But, It IS a World Wide War Against the Islam-O-Fascists.
Just goes to prove that the only thing that the Islam-O-Fascist
HATE more then an Infidel; is any so call member of the Islamic
Religion that does not believe as they do.
For the Islam-O-Fascist 'believe' that the Infidel is the Disease
from without.
More Importantly, the Islam-O-Fascist 'believes' that any member
of Islam that does not "Believe" as they do is the Cancer within.
ssi ~ RHF