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Old May 10th 04, 03:35 PM
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Here you go again 'chanting' one of the favorite "Mantras" of
the Ultra Liberal Democrats. No other Cabinet Members is ever
singled out as being: wanting to leave, ready to leave, about
to leave except Colin Powell.
[ The Racism of the OWLES because Colin Powell is not the
right kind of African-American (Minority).]

Secretary of State - Colin L. Powell

WHY is it that the Liberal Democrats and the Media Elite always
are PROMOTING these types of News Articles and Head Lines
with a Negative Slant about Colin Powell's relationship with the
other members of President Bush's Cabinet.
[ The Racism of the OWLES because Colin Powell is not the
right kind of African-American (Minority).]

WHY may be because Collin Powell is an African-American and
Liberal Democrats and Media Elite can not stand have a Strong
Powerful Respected Black Man in President Bush's Cabinet.
[ The Racism of the OWLES because Colin Powell is not the
right kind of African-American (Minority).]

NOTE: The Media forgets the two other African-Americans in
President Bush's Cabinet: Secretary of Education Rod Paige;
and Secretary of Housing & Urban Development Alphonso Jackson.

The US State Department has a 'tendency' to be an "Entity Unto
Itself" (a Unique Culture) that's Focus is on the Outside World;
and often is at Odds with the other Departments of the US Government.
Colin Powell has a difficult job and he represents the 'interest'
of the Department of State well within the Bush Administration.
For all of his Life, Colin Powell has been a 'good soldier'
and as an Officer and Leader, he has done his duty to be in
Command of his Unit and also fit into the rest of the Team.
For Colin Powell, his job as Secretary of State is nothing
different then being a 'good soldier' and Leader in difficult times.

In times of Peace the conflict between the Departments of
State and Defense is lower and the Department of State
has the Primary Role.

In times of War the conflict between the Departments of
State and Defense is Higher and the Department of Defense
has the Primary Role.

NOTE: We are at War with World Wide Islam-O-Fascist Terrorist.

MWB - Give Colin Powell some Praise and Stop trying to Tear Him Down.

MWB - Stop Propagandizing the Racism of the OWLES
[One World Liberal ELITIST Socialists]
and Leave Colin Powell to do his job as Secretary of State.

God Bless Great American's like Colin Powell - Amen ~ RHF
= = = ocom (Michael Bryant) wrote in message
= = = ...

Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
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