May 11th 04, 09:45 PM
From: "T. Early"
BTW, is your command of the English language so tenuous that you
equate me acknowledging criticism about the existence of an Al Queda
connection with -proving- the lack of one? That's rhetorical BTW.
There's an even better way of proving a connection between the two: Offer some
small inkling of proof. Ever heard of term from argument theory called "Burden
of Proof"?
Michael Bryant, WA4009SWL
Louisville, KY
R75, S800, RX320, SW77, ICF2010K,
DX398, 7600G, 6800W, RF2200, 7600A
GE SRll, Pro-2006, Pro-2010, Pro-76
(remove "nojunk" to reply)